SGL - Slate Global Ltd.
SGL stands for Slate Global Ltd.
Here you will find, what does SGL stand for in Human Resources under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Slate Global Ltd.? Slate Global Ltd. can be abbreviated as SGL What does SGL stand for? SGL stands for Slate Global Ltd.. What does Slate Global Ltd. mean?The Human Resources company falls under human resources category and is located in .
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Alternative definitions of SGL
- Sydney Gamers League
- Subsidiary General Ledger
- Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
- Super God Like
- Swing- Guard Lockback
- Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
- Super God Like
- small group leader
View 190 other definitions of SGL on the main acronym page
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- SCG Soldotna Church of God
- SAS Showcase Acting Studio
- SSC Southeast Services Corporation
- SSNLA Sheila c Skip Nowell Leadership Academy
- SCCCMG SCC Construction Management Group
- SFT Sterling Fabrication Technology
- SJPCC Saints John and Paul Catholic Church
- SAR Sucre Arias Reyes
- SOS Step One Staffing
- STL Sika Trading LLC
- SHRA Stevens Historical Research Associates
- SPM Salt and Pepper Marketing
- SHPL Siemens Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.
- SCCD Suffolk County Corrections Div
- SNL Savita Naturals Ltd.
- SCC Security Coordination Centre
- STW St. Talent Westerveld